Andy Polaine
Andy Polaine
Jan 19, 2009 1 min read

Back on the Grid


I have been off the grid all last week in the Australian bush (see above) and then in the air for the excruciatingly long flight back to Germany, so I felt a little editorial news was in order. I can recommend a week of being unplugged though.

The review pile grows ever taller with some fantastic books coming up that will extend the scope of themes we cover – Dan Roam’s The Back of the Napkin is up next. As well as the continuation of the Three Books on Colour series, we are planning a crash course in the literature about play, a theme that has been appearing in more and more conference presentations over the last couple of years (and is the subject of my own work).

Lastly, if you enjoyed the For The Love of Vinyl review and were thinking of buying a copy, Dan Nadel from the publisher, PictureBox Inc., e-mailed to say they are having a YES WE CAN Sale where you can pick up a copy for $20 as well as some other great titles (including Overspray, which we will be reviewing soon).